Articles Compulsory Third Party (CTP) Claims
This article explains what CTP insurance is, what are the entiltements/benefits and how to lodge a claim in the event of a motor vehicle accident in NSW.
What is Compulsory Third Party (CTP) Insurance?
CTP is a mandatory insurance required for all registered motor vehicles. The rules differ slightly in each state, we will be discussing the newly reformed NSW system (accidents post 1 December 2017).

CTP is a form of personal injury insurance which covers the compensation costs following an MVA in the event your vehicle injures other road users (i.e. other drivers and passengers, pedestrians, cyclists).

CTP insurance covers injuries to passengers as a result of an MVA
A CTP policy does NOT cover the costs of property or vehicle damage and should not be confused with “comprehensive car insurance” which is not mandatory.

What Are Your Entitlements Under CTP Insurance?
First 6 Months From the Date of the Accident
Regardless of who was at fault, for the first 6 months CTP insurance can cover:
- Payment of rehabilitation costs as a result of physical and/or psychological injuries caused by your MVA (i.e. GP, physiotherapy, psychologist, scans, specialist )

- Weekly income support in the event you are unable to work as a result of your accident.

- Domestic assistance in the event you are unable to perform these tasks as a result of MVA (i.e. cleaning, gardening)

- Not at fault drivers may also be able to gain access to a loan car while their vehicle is under going repairs or awaiting replacement.

Beyond 6 months From the Date of the Accident
Ongoing benefits (as above) are still available to injured people beyond 6 months however, this will depend on the severity of your injuries and whether or not you were at fault.

- Lump sum compensation (for economic and non economic loss) may also be payable to those who have sustained a serious injury and are not at fault.

How Do I Lodge a CTP Claim?
Following an accident, it is always best to lodge your claim as soon as possible as there are time frames on when you can make a claim.
The key information required to lodge a claim include:
- License plate number of the vehicles involved

- CTP insurer details of the most at fault vehicle (obtained by contacting CTP Assist)

- A Police Event Number (obtained by calling the Police Assistance Line 131 444 or by visiting your local police station)

- A completed “Certificate of Capacity Form” from your GP

- Completion of the SIRA “Personal Injury Benefits Form”

Once you have obtained all of the relevant information the details should be forwarded to the at fault CTP insurer. You can contact “CTP Assist” if you require assistance at any stage of this process.